Monday, August 13, 2007

Facial Hair of The Week: Carl Hayman's Twin

England Meeting RoomHoly deja vu Beardman!

A loyal reader, Dean Purcell, sent us through a pic of this week's Facial Hair of The Week. Certainly we were taken aback by the resemblance of Lyle Alzado to the great man himself, down to The Beard.

Further investigation unearthed some further surprising facts. Alzado was an NFL player who played for the Denver Broncos, Cleveland Browns, and LA Raiders throughout the 70's and 80's.

He was known for his intimidating style, and amassed various records and accolades as a Defensive End throughout his career, culminating in a Superbowl win in 1983 with the Raiders.

Later in life he admitted to steroid use which tainted his otherwise excellent career, and he died of brain cancer at the age of 43.

There are several analysts at Hayman's Beard who promote the theory that The Beard is some kind of symbiotic creature which bonds with those deemed worthy of greatness. Could The Beard of Hayman be a continuation of The Beard of Alzado? Unlikely, but stranger things have happened...

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