Sunday, August 5, 2007


Take a moment to reflect, New Zealand. You have spoken, and the big man has answered.

The Beard is Back

Speaking after the win over Australia last week, Carl revealed that he knew about our campaign, and that he could recognise that "the people have spoken."

The wishes of a nation were partly answered on that cold, wet Auckland night, as Carl ran into battle with what could have been the beginning of The Beard.

But would it last? Was it simply an oversight? A lack of time before kick off which resulted in this growth?

It seems not. The Beard is indeed on its way back.

Words cannot describe the joy that is filling the hearts of New Zealand rugby fans as they realise that the All Blacks are once again armed with The Beard of Hayman.

With plenty of time before the World Cup for it to reach maximum power, we shudder to think of the carnage that awaits opposition teams in October.

Hayman's Beard analysts put the growth level post-Eden Park test at a little under 25,000 Bristlewatts, the scientific measure of a beard's power. Projections indicate that The Beard could reach its previous record of 65,000 BW in time for the pool games in September.

We at Hayman's Beard would like to thank each and every one of you for your support, and for getting behind the All Blacks.

And of course our thanks go out to the big man for recognising the importance of The Beard, and for doing the right thing.

With renewed energy and enthusiasm we now refocus our efforts on getting every man, woman and child who supports the All Blacks to grow a beard, to show that they're behind the Men in Black.

We've already shown what people power can do; Imagine our power when we all have great shaggy beards.

The possibilities are endless.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Just stumbled on your site awesome job! I met Carl Hayman in Ottawa Canada when he toured with the Maori sans beard, definitely think he looks more menacing with the chin rug! Go Black and bring back the beard Carl!!