Thursday, July 12, 2007

Apologies for the lack of content lately

You know that scene in Ghostbusters 2 where they lower Ray into a hole in the street, and he finds a river of slime running through an old subway tunnel?
What you don't know is that the tunnel connects directly to Hayman's Beard's nasal passages.

We've been quite unwell here of late.

And why is it that every female Hayman's Beard knows takes it upon themselves to offer medical advice, whereas the men-folk don't? We'll admit that with Mother Hayman's Beard offshore at present, a kindly word from the softer sex is a soothing tonic, but it does seem that all women have done at least 2 years of a medical degree at some stage.

We digress however, and of course admit that if Carl had grown The Beard back then we'd be in fine health.

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